viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

Doctor Who 5x01 The eleventh hour

-The Doctor: Hello. I'm the Doctor. *pausa* Basically. *pausa* Run.

-The Doctor: Amy Pond. The girl who waited, you've waited long enough.
-Amy: When I was a kid, you said there was a swimming pool. And a library, and the swimming pool was in the library.
-The Doctor: Yeah. Not sure where it's got to now, it'll turn up! So! Coming?
-Amy: No.

-The Doctor: You wanted to come fourteen years ago...
-Amy: I grew up.
-The Doctor: Don't worry. I'll soon fix that. *chasquea los dedos y la puerta de la TARDIS se abre*.

-The Doctor: So! All of time, and space, everything that ever happened or that ever will. Where do you wanna start?
-Amy: You are so sure that I'm coming.
-The Doctor: Yeah. I am.
-Amy: Why?
-The Doctor: Cause you're the Scottish girl, in the English village, and I know how that feels.
-Amy: Oh, do you?
-The Doctor: Well, all these years living here, most of your life, and you've still got that accent. Yeah, you're coming.

-The Doctor: Yes! Goodbye, Leadworth! Hello... everything! 

-The Doctor: Amy Pond, there's something you better understand about me, cause it's important, and one day, your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box.

New New Doctor, New New (retro) TARDIS, New New Sonic Screwdriver, New New Intro y nuevas aventuras por todo el universo. Bienvenido, Undécimo Doctor. Y, aunque esta entrada se corresponde con el primer capítulo de la temporada, a estas alturas he visto ya bastante más de media temporada, y me está encantando <3.

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